من أقوى برامج تنظيم الملفات على الهارد ديسك و الذى لا غنى عنه فى كل جهاز ، لأن عملية الـ Defrag دى عملية حيوية و مهمة جدًا لكل الأجهزة مهما اختلفت استخدماتها و يجب القيام بها كل أسبوع للاجهزة اللتى تتعامل مع كم كبير من الملفات و كل شهر لأى جهاز
Will you return the lost productivity of Windows workstations. You can achieve optimal performance of hard disks in the system under Windows Vista, XP Home and Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2003 Server, Windows NT4. Decision O & O Defrag eliminate fragmentation of files and raspolozhit them in the right order. Now operations reading and writing information will be faster that the positive impact on productivity of the entire system. Defrag offers a variety of new and unique features that allow no extra effort to optimize your system. Defrag gives you everything necessary for the defragmentation of hard disks for computers running Windows. Thanks to technology and opportunities ActivityGuard scheduling automatic defragmentation, you can organize a continuous working process, knowing that the O & O Defrag, the performance of your computer.
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